;-------------------------------------------------; ; This is an example configuration for dy.fi. ; ; You should specify your own settings. ; ; Please consult the manual for more information. ; ;-------------------------------------------------; ;Section [Source] specifies how DNSer should get your router's IP address ;It's set up for DynDNS web detection and you can test DNSer with it. ;However, set it to read your router's info if you intend to use ;it regularily! ;If you need proxy parameters, see the manual about where and how to use them. ;DynDNS' CheckIP work with ports 80 as well as 8245. So, if default URL doesn't ;work, you can try URL=http://checkip.dyndns.org:8245 ; No need for User or Pass when using checkip.dy.fi. [Source] Interval=675 URL=http://checkip.dy.fi:8180 User= Pass= Proxy= ProxyPort= Prefix=IP Address: Count=1 Log=1 ;Each [Srv] section specifies one server/hostname to update. ;You can have any number of them: [Srv1], [Srv2], [Srv3]... ;This one is set up to update "test.dyndns.org", so you can see ;if it works. Check the DNSerSvc.log to see the result. ;Most probably, you'll get status "good" which is OK ;for user "test". ; If you have multiple hostnames, you can separate them with a comma. ; example: hostname=name1.dy.fi,name2.dy.fi,xn-foobaar.dy.fi [Srv1] URL=http://www.dy.fi:8180/nic/update?hostname=myname.dy.fi User=my.email@address.fi Pass=mysecretpassword Proxy= ProxyPort= MinInterval=600 MaxInterval=432000 StatusOK=good StatusOK1=nochg StatusOK2=abuse LastAttmpt= LastUpdate= [Status] LastIP= Changed=